Proton 3.5KVA/24V HP SERIES

Proton 3.5KVA/24V HP SERIES


This is a rugged solar hybrid inverter that comes with a full option.

❤ With our 24/7 support services maintenance backup and unlimited soared, you are in good hands.

Call  081719553I2 for more details.

HP power inveter is equipped with the following special features.

👉 lBTS battery temperature sensor: This function intelligently controls the charging voltage of your battery by measuring the battery temperature.
👉 AGM Automatic generator starting: This function enables the inverter to start a standby generator when the battery voltage has drained to a preset voltage.
👉 Battery type selector this function allows the inverter to charge your battery according to the manufacturer specifications , hence prevents over charging.
👉 self diagnosis, the inverter does constant self health check and reports any abnormality.
👉 Battery charging current is a whopping 120amps, positive selectable.
👉 DESULPHURNATION The inverter uses this function to recondition your batteries, hence prolonging the battery life.